Concordance of Paul's Epistles (A)

* abased * abode TIT 3:9 and strivings ^a the law;
PHI 4:12 to be ^a and I GAL 1:18 Peter, and ^a with him * above
* abasing 2TI 4:20 Erastus ^a at Corinth: but ROM 10:6 bring Christ down from ^a
2CO 11:7 offence in ^a myself that * abolished ROM 14:5 one day ^a another: another
* abba 2CO 3:13 of that which is ^a 1CO 4:6 of men ^a that which
ROM 8:15 whereby we cry, ^a Father. EPH 2:15 Having ^a in his flesh 1CO 10:13 be tempted ^a that ye
GAL 4:6 your hearts, crying, ^a Father. 2TI 1:10 who hath ^a death, and 1CO 15:6 seen of ^a five hundred
* abhor * abominable 2CO 1:8 of measure, ^a strength, insomuch
ROM 12:9 without dissimulation. ^a that which TIT 1:16 him, being ^a and disobedient, 2CO 11:23 in stripes ^a measure, in
* abhorrest * abound 2CO 12:2 in Christ ^a fourteen years
ROM 2:22 thou that ^a idols, dost ROM 5:20 offence might ^a But where 2CO 12:6 of me ^a that which
* abide ROM 5:20 grace did much more ^a 2CO 12:7 be exalted ^a measure through
ROM 11:23 if they ^a not still ROM 6:1 sin, that grace may ^a 2CO 12:7 should be exalted ^a measure.
1CO 3:14 man's work ^a which he ROM 15:13 ye may ^a in hope, GAL 1:14 Jews' religion ^a many my
1CO 7:8 if they ^a even as 2CO 1:5 of Christ ^a in us, GAL 4:26 which is ^a is free,
1CO 7:20 every man ^a in the 2CO 8:7 as ye ^a in every EPH 1:21 Far ^a all principality, and
1CO 7:24 called, therein ^a with God. 2CO 8:7 that ye ^a in this EPH 3:20 exceeding abundantly ^a all that
1CO 7:40 she so ^a after my 2CO 9:8 all grace ^a toward you; EPH 4:6 who is ^a all, and
1CO 16:6 I will ^a yea, and 2CO 9:8 things, may ^a to every EPH 4:10 up far ^a all heavens,
PHI 1:24 Nevertheless to ^a in the PHI 1:9 love may ^a yet more EPH 6:16 ^a all, taking the shield
PHI 1:25 I shall ^a and continue PHI 4:12 how to ^a every where PHI 2:9 which is ^a every name:
1TI 1:3 thee to ^a still at PHI 4:12 both to ^a and to COL 3:1 which are ^a where Christ
* abideth PHI 4:17 that may ^a to your COL 3:2 on things ^a not on
1CO 13:13 And now ^a faith, hope, PHI 4:18 all, and ^a I am COL 3:14 And ^a all these things
2TI 2:13 yet he ^a faithful: he 1TH 3:12 increase and ^a in love 2TH 2:4 exalteth himself ^a all that
* able 1TH 4:1 ye would ^a more and PHM 1:16 servant, but ^a a servant,
ROM 4:21 he was ^a also to * abounded * abraham
ROM 8:39 shall be ^a to separate ROM 3:7 hath more ^a through my ROM 4:1 then that ^a our father,
ROM 11:23 God is ^a to graff ROM 5:15 Christ, hath ^a unto many. ROM 4:2 For if ^a were justified
ROM 14:4 God is ^a to make ROM 5:20 where sin ^a grace did ROM 4:3 the scripture? ^a believed God,
ROM 15:14 all knowledge, ^a also to 2CO 8:2 deep poverty ^a unto the ROM 4:9 reckoned to ^a for righteousness.
1CO 3:2 were not ^a to bear EPH 1:8 he hath ^a toward us ROM 4:12 our father ^a which he
1CO 3:2 yet now are ye ^a * aboundeth ROM 4:13 not to ^a or to
1CO 6:5 shall be ^a to judge 2CO 1:5 consolation also ^a by Christ. ROM 4:16 faith of ^a who is
1CO 10:13 ye are ^a but will 2TH 1:3 all toward each other ^a ROM 9:7 seed of ^a are they
1CO 10:13 may be ^a to bear * abounding ROM 11:1 seed of ^a of the
2CO 1:4 may be ^a to comfort 1CO 15:58 unmoveable, always ^a in the 2CO 11:22 seed of ^a so am
2CO 3:6 made us ^a ministers of COL 2:7 been taught, ^a therein with GAL 3:6 Even as ^a believed God,
2CO 9:8 God is ^a to make * about GAL 3:7 are the children of ^a
EPH 3:18 May be ^a to comprehend ROM 4:19 he was ^a an hundred GAL 3:8 gospel unto ^a saying, In
EPH 3:20 that is ^a to do ROM 10:3 and going ^a to establish GAL 3:9 are blessed with faithful ^a
EPH 6:11 may be ^a to stand ROM 15:19 and round ^a unto Illyricum, GAL 3:14 blessing of ^a might come
EPH 6:13 may be ^a to withstand 1CO 9:5 to lead ^a a sister, GAL 3:16 Now to ^a and his
EPH 6:16 shall be ^a to quench 1CO 9:13 which minister ^a holy things GAL 3:18 it to ^a by promise.
PHI 3:21 he is ^a even to 2CO 4:10 Always bearing ^a in the GAL 4:22 written, that ^a had two
2TI 1:12 he is ^a to keep EPH 4:14 and carried ^a with every * abraham's
2TI 2:2 shall be ^a to teach EPH 6:14 loins girt ^a with truth, GAL 3:29 are ye ^a seed, and
2TI 3:7 and never ^a to come 1TI 5:13 idle, wandering ^a from house * abroad
2TI 3:15 which are ^a to make 1TI 6:4 but doting ^a questions and ROM 5:5 is shed ^a in our
TIT 1:9 may be ^a by sound 2TI 2:14 strive not ^a words to ROM 16:19 is come ^a unto all

2CO 9:9 hath dispersed ^a he hath 1CO 7:31 as not ^a it: for ROM 16:25 Jesus Christ, ^a to the
1TH 1:8 is spread ^a so that * acceptable ROM 16:26 the prophets, ^a to the
* absence ROM 12:1 sacrifice, holy, ^a unto God, 1CO 1:31 That, ^a as it is
PHI 2:12 in my ^a work out ROM 12:2 good, and ^a and perfect, 1CO 3:8 own reward ^a to his
* absent ROM 14:18 Christ is ^a to God, 1CO 3:10 ^a to the grace of
1CO 5:3 verily, as ^a in body, ROM 15:16 might be ^a being sanctified 1CO 15:3 our sins ^a to the
2CO 5:6 we are ^a from the EPH 5:10 what is ^a unto the 1CO 15:4 third day ^a to the
2CO 5:8 to be ^a from the PHI 4:18 a sacrifice ^a wellpleasing to 2CO 1:17 I purpose ^a to the
2CO 5:9 present or ^a we may 1TI 2:3 good and ^a in the 2CO 4:13 of faith, ^a as it
2CO 10:1 but being ^a am bold 1TI 5:4 good and ^a before God. 2CO 5:10 his body, ^a to that
2CO 10:11 we are ^a such will * acceptation 2CO 8:12 is accepted ^a to that
2CO 13:2 and being ^a now I 1TI 1:15 of all ^a that Christ 2CO 8:12 and not ^a to that
2CO 13:10 things being ^a lest being 1TI 4:9 and worthy of all ^a 2CO 9:7 Every man ^a as he
PHI 1:27 else be ^a I may * accepted 2CO 10:2 we walked ^a to the
COL 2:5 I be ^a in the ROM 15:31 may be ^a of the 2CO 10:13 measure, but ^a to the
* abstain 2CO 5:9 may be ^a of him. 2CO 10:15 by you ^a to our
1TH 4:3 ye should ^a from fornication: 2CO 6:2 a time ^a and in 2CO 11:15 shall be ^a to their
1TH 5:22 ^a from all appearance of 2CO 6:2 is the ^a time; behold, 2CO 13:10 use sharpness, ^a to the
1TI 4:3 commanding to ^a from meats, 2CO 8:12 it is ^a according to GAL 1:4 evil world, ^a to the
* abundance 2CO 8:17 indeed he ^a the exhortation; GAL 2:14 not uprightly ^a to the
ROM 5:17 which receive ^a of grace 2CO 11:4 have not ^a ye might GAL 3:29 and heirs ^a to the
2CO 8:2 affliction the ^a of their EPH 1:6 made us ^a in the GAL 6:16 as walk ^a to this
2CO 8:14 time your ^a may be * accepteth EPH 1:4 ^a as he hath chosen
2CO 8:14 that their ^a also may GAL 2:6 me: God ^a no man's EPH 1:5 to himself, ^a to the
2CO 8:20 in this ^a which is * access EPH 1:7 of sins, ^a to the
2CO 12:7 through the ^a of the ROM 5:2 we have ^a by faith EPH 1:9 his will, ^a to his
* abundant EPH 2:18 both have ^a by one EPH 1:11 being predestinated ^a to the
1CO 12:23 bestow more ^a honour; and EPH 3:12 boldness and ^a with confidence EPH 1:19 who believe, ^a to the
1CO 12:23 parts have more ^a comeliness. * accord EPH 2:2 ye walked ^a to the
1CO 12:24 given more ^a honour to 2CO 8:17 his own ^a he went EPH 2:2 this world, ^a to the
2CO 4:15 that the ^a grace might PHI 2:2 of one ^a of one EPH 3:7 a minister, ^a to the
2CO 7:15 is more ^a toward you, * according EPH 3:11 ^a to the eternal purpose
2CO 9:12 but is ^a also by ROM 1:3 of David ^a to the EPH 3:16 grant you, ^a to the
2CO 11:23 labours more ^a in stripes ROM 1:4 with power, ^a to the EPH 3:20 or think, ^a to the
PHI 1:26 be more ^a in Jesus ROM 2:2 God is ^a to truth EPH 4:7 given grace ^a to the
1TI 1:14 was exceeding ^a with faith ROM 2:6 every man ^a to his EPH 4:16 joint supplieth, ^a to the
* abundantly ROM 2:16 Jesus Christ ^a to my EPH 4:22 is corrupt ^a to the
1CO 15:10 laboured more ^a than they ROM 4:18 many nations, ^a to that EPH 6:5 your masters ^a to the
2CO 1:12 and more ^a to you-ward. ROM 8:27 the saints ^a to the PHI 1:20 ^a to my earnest expectation
2CO 2:4 have more ^a unto you. ROM 8:28 the called ^a to his PHI 3:21 glorious body, ^a to the
2CO 10:15 according to our rule ^a ROM 9:3 my kinsmen ^a to the PHI 4:19 your need ^a to his
2CO 12:15 the more ^a I love ROM 9:11 of God ^a to election COL 1:11 all might, ^a to his
EPH 3:20 do exceeding ^a above all ROM 10:2 but not ^a to knowledge. COL 1:25 a minister, ^a to the
1TH 2:17 the more ^a to see ROM 11:5 a remnant ^a to the COL 1:29 labour, striving ^a to his
TIT 3:6 on us ^a through Jesus ROM 11:8 ^a as it is written, COL 3:22 your masters ^a to the
* abuse ROM 12:3 think soberly, ^a as God 2TH 1:12 in him, ^a to the
1CO 9:18 that I ^a not my ROM 12:6 gifts differing ^a to the 1TI 1:11 ^a to the glorious gospel
* abusers ROM 12:6 us prophesy ^a to the 1TI 1:18 son Timothy, ^a to the
1CO 6:9 effeminate, nor ^a of themselves ROM 15:5 toward another ^a to Christ 1TI 6:3 which is ^a to godliness;
* abusing ROM 16:25 stablish you ^a to my 2TI 1:1 of God, ^a to the

2TI 1:8 the gospel ^a to the COL 2:2 to the ^a of the TIT 2:10 they may ^a the doctrine
2TI 1:9 calling, not ^a to our * acknowledging * adulterers
2TI 1:9 works, but ^a to his 2TI 2:25 to the ^a of the 1CO 6:9 idolaters, nor ^a nor effeminate,
2TI 2:8 the dead ^a to my TIT 1:1 and the ^a of the * adulteress
2TI 4:14 reward him ^a to his PHM 1:6 by the ^a of every ROM 7:3 called an ^a but if
TIT 1:1 Jesus Christ, ^a to the * adam ROM 7:3 is no ^a though she
TIT 1:3 unto me ^a to the ROM 5:14 reigned from ^a to Moses, * adultery
TIT 3:5 done, but ^a to his 1CO 15:22 as in ^a all die, ROM 2:22 not commit ^a dost thou
TIT 3:7 made heirs ^a to the 1CO 15:45 first man ^a was made ROM 2:22 thou commit ^a thou that
* account 1CO 15:45 the last ^a was made ROM 13:9 not commit ^a Thou shalt
ROM 14:12 shall give ^a of himself 1TI 2:13 For ^a was first formed, GAL 5:19 are these; ^a fornication, uncleanness,
1CO 4:1 man so ^a of us, 1TI 2:14 And ^a was not deceived, * advantage
PHI 4:17 may abound to your ^a * adam's ROM 3:1 What ^a then hath the
PHM 1:18 put that on mine ^a ROM 5:14 similitude of ^a transgression, who 2CO 2:11 get an ^a of us:
* accounted * add * advantageth
ROM 8:36 we are ^a as sheep PHI 1:16 supposing to ^a affliction to 1CO 15:32 Ephesus, what ^a it me,
GAL 3:6 it was ^a to him * added * adversaries
* accursed GAL 2:6 in conference ^a nothing to 1CO 16:9 and there are many ^a
ROM 9:3 myself were ^a from Christ GAL 3:19 It was ^a because of PHI 1:28 by your ^a which is
1CO 12:3 calleth Jesus ^a and that * addeth * adversary
GAL 1:8 you, let him be ^a GAL 3:15 man disannulleth, or ^a thereto. 1TI 5:14 to the ^a to speak
GAL 1:9 received, let him be ^a * addicted * advice
* accusation 1CO 16:15 they have ^a themselves to 2CO 8:10 give my ^a for this
1TI 5:19 not an ^a but before * administered * afar
* accused 2CO 8:19 which is ^a by us EPH 2:17 which were ^a off, and
TIT 1:6 children not ^a of riot 2CO 8:20 which is ^a by us: * affairs
* accusers * administration EPH 6:21 know my ^a and how
2TI 3:3 trucebreakers, false ^a incontinent, fierce, 2CO 9:12 For the ^a of this EPH 6:22 know our ^a and that
TIT 2:3 not false ^a not given * administrations PHI 1:27 of your ^a that ye
* accusing 1CO 12:5 differences of ^a but the 2TI 2:4 with the ^a of this
ROM 2:15 mean while ^a or else * admired * affect
* achaia 2TH 1:10 to be ^a in all GAL 4:17 They zealously ^a you, but
ROM 15:26 Macedonia and ^a to make * admonish GAL 4:17 that ye might ^a them.
ROM 16:5 firstfruits of ^a unto Christ. ROM 15:14 also to ^a one another. * affected
1CO 16:15 firstfruits of ^a and that 1TH 5:12 the Lord, and ^a you; GAL 4:18 be zealously ^a always in
2CO 1:1 which are in all ^a 2TH 3:15 enemy, but ^a him as * affection
2CO 9:2 Macedonia, that ^a was ready * admonishing ROM 1:31 without natural ^a implacable, unmerciful:
2CO 11:10 in the regions of ^a COL 3:16 teaching and ^a one another 2CO 7:15 his inward ^a is more
1TH 1:7 believe in Macedonia and ^a * admonition COL 3:2 Set your ^a on things
1TH 1:8 Macedonia and ^a but also 1CO 10:11 for our ^a upon whom COL 3:5 uncleanness, inordinate ^a evil concupiscence,
* achaicus EPH 6:4 nurture and ^a of the 2TI 3:3 Without natural ^a trucebreakers, false
1CO 16:17 Fortunatus and ^a for that TIT 3:10 first and second ^a reject; * affectionately
* acknowledge * adoption 1TH 2:8 So being ^a desirous of
1CO 14:37 let him ^a that the ROM 8:15 Spirit of ^a whereby we * affectioned
1CO 16:18 your's: therefore ^a ye them ROM 8:23 for the ^a to wit, ROM 12:10 Be kindly ^a one to
2CO 1:13 read or ^a and I ROM 9:4 pertaineth the ^a and the * affections
2CO 1:13 ye shall ^a even to GAL 4:5 receive the ^a of sons. ROM 1:26 unto vile ^a for even
* acknowledged EPH 1:5 unto the ^a of children GAL 5:24 with the ^a and lusts.
2CO 1:14 ye have ^a us in * adorn * affirm
* acknowledgement 1TI 2:9 that women ^a themselves in ROM 3:8 as some ^a that we

1TI 1:7 say, nor whereof they ^a 1CO 1:26 wise men ^a the flesh, 1TI 6:10 some coveted ^a they have
TIT 3:8 that thou ^a constantly, that 1CO 7:7 God, one ^a this manner, 1TI 6:11 and follow ^a righteousness, godliness,
* afflicted 1CO 7:7 manner, and another ^a that. 2TI 4:3 doctrine; but ^a their own
2CO 1:6 we be ^a it is 1CO 7:40 so abide, ^a my judgment: TIT 1:1 truth which is ^a godliness;
1TI 5:10 relieved the ^a if she 1CO 10:6 not lust ^a evil things, TIT 1:4 own son ^a the common
* affliction 1CO 10:18 Behold Israel ^a the flesh: TIT 3:4 But ^a that the kindness
2CO 2:4 of much ^a and anguish 1CO 11:25 ^a the same manner also TIT 3:10 an heretick ^a the first
2CO 4:17 our light ^a which is 1CO 12:28 thirdly teachers, ^a that miracles, * afterward
2CO 8:2 trial of ^a the abundance 1CO 14:1 Follow ^a charity, and desire 1CO 15:23 the firstfruits; ^a they that
PHI 1:16 to add ^a to my 1CO 15:6 ^a that, he was seen 1CO 15:46 natural; and ^a that which
PHI 4:14 did communicate with my ^a 1CO 15:7 ^a that, he was seen * afterwards
1TH 1:6 in much ^a with joy 1CO 15:32 If ^a the manner of GAL 1:21 ^a I came into the
1TH 3:7 all our ^a and distress 2CO 5:16 no man ^a the flesh: GAL 3:23 which should ^a be revealed.
* afflictions 2CO 5:16 known Christ ^a the flesh, * again
2CO 6:4 patience, in ^a in necessities, 2CO 7:9 made sorry ^a a godly ROM 4:25 was raised ^a for our
COL 1:24 of the ^a of Christ 2CO 7:11 ye sorrowed ^a a godly ROM 8:15 of bondage ^a to fear;
1TH 3:3 by these ^a for yourselves 2CO 9:14 which long ^a you for ROM 8:34 is risen ^a who is
2TI 1:8 of the ^a of the 2CO 10:3 not war ^a the flesh: ROM 10:7 up Christ ^a from the
2TI 3:11 Persecutions, ^a which came unto 2CO 10:7 on things ^a the outward ROM 11:23 to graff them in ^a
2TI 4:5 things, endure ^a do the 2CO 11:17 it not ^a the Lord, ROM 11:35 be recompensed unto him ^a
* afore 2CO 11:18 many glory ^a the flesh, ROM 15:10 And ^a he saith, Rejoice,
ROM 1:2 had promised ^a by his GAL 1:11 me is not ^a man. ROM 15:11 And ^a Praise the Lord,
ROM 9:23 he had ^a prepared unto GAL 1:18 Then ^a three years I ROM 15:12 And ^a Esaias saith, There
EPH 3:3 I wrote ^a in few GAL 2:1 fourteen years ^a I went 1CO 3:20 And ^a The Lord knoweth
* aforetime GAL 2:14 Jew, livest ^a the manner 1CO 7:5 come together ^a that Satan
ROM 15:4 were written ^a were written GAL 3:15 I speak ^a the manner 1CO 12:21 thee: nor ^a the head
* afraid GAL 3:17 thirty years ^a cannot disannul, 1CO 15:4 he rose ^a the third
ROM 13:3 not be ^a of the GAL 3:25 But ^a that faith is 2CO 1:16 to come ^a out of
ROM 13:4 evil, be ^a for he GAL 4:9 But now, ^a that ye 2CO 2:1 not come ^a to you
GAL 4:11 I am ^a of you, GAL 4:23 was born ^a the flesh; 2CO 3:1 we begin ^a to commend
* after GAL 4:29 was born ^a the flesh 2CO 5:12 not ourselves ^a unto you,
ROM 2:5 But ^a thy hardness and GAL 4:29 was born ^a the Spirit, 2CO 5:15 for them, and rose ^a
ROM 3:11 none that seeketh ^a God. EPH 1:11 all things ^a the counsel 2CO 10:7 think this ^a that, as
ROM 5:14 not sinned ^a the similitude EPH 1:13 also trusted, ^a that ye 2CO 11:16 I say ^a Let no
ROM 6:19 I speak ^a the manner EPH 1:13 whom also ^a that ye 2CO 12:19 ^a think ye that we
ROM 7:22 of God ^a the inward EPH 1:15 I also, ^a I heard 2CO 12:21 I come ^a my God
ROM 8:1 walk not ^a the flesh, EPH 4:24 man, which ^a God is 2CO 13:2 I come ^a I will
ROM 8:1 flesh, but ^a the Spirit. PHI 1:8 I long ^a you all GAL 1:9 I now ^a if any
ROM 8:4 walk not ^a the flesh, PHI 2:26 he longed ^a you all, GAL 1:17 and returned ^a unto Damascus.
ROM 8:4 flesh, but ^a the Spirit. PHI 3:12 I follow ^a if that GAL 2:1 went up ^a to Jerusalem
ROM 8:5 that are ^a the flesh COL 2:8 vain deceit, ^a the tradition GAL 2:18 I build ^a the things
ROM 8:5 that are ^a the Spirit COL 2:8 of men, ^a the rudiments GAL 4:9 turn ye ^a to the
ROM 8:12 to live ^a the flesh. COL 2:8 world, and not ^a Christ. GAL 4:9 ye desire ^a to be
ROM 8:13 ye live ^a the flesh, COL 2:22 the using;) ^a the commandments GAL 4:19 in birth ^a until Christ
ROM 9:30 followed not ^a righteousness, have COL 3:10 in knowledge ^a the image GAL 5:1 not entangled ^a with the
ROM 9:31 which followed ^a the law 1TH 2:2 But even ^a that we GAL 5:3 I testify ^a to every
ROM 10:20 that asked not ^a me. 2TH 2:9 coming is ^a the working PHI 1:26 my coming to you ^a
ROM 14:19 therefore follow ^a the things 2TH 3:6 and not ^a the tradition PHI 2:28 see him ^a ye may
1CO 1:21 For ^a that in the 1TI 5:15 already turned aside ^a Satan. PHI 4:4 alway: and ^a I say,
1CO 1:22 the Greeks seek ^a wisdom: 1TI 5:24 some men they follow ^a PHI 4:10 hath flourished ^a wherein ye

PHI 4:16 once and ^a unto my TIT 2:2 That the ^a men be ROM 4:11 father of ^a them that
1TH 2:18 once and ^a but Satan TIT 2:3 The ^a women likewise, that ROM 4:16 sure to ^a the seed;
1TH 3:9 to God ^a for you, PHM 1:9 Paul the ^a and now ROM 4:16 the father of us ^a
1TH 4:14 and rose ^a even so * ages ROM 5:12 passed upon ^a men, for
TIT 2:9 all things; not answering ^a EPH 2:7 in the ^a to come ROM 5:12 for that ^a have sinned:
PHM 1:12 have sent ^a thou therefore EPH 3:5 in other ^a was not ROM 5:18 came upon ^a men to
* against EPH 3:21 throughout all ^a world without ROM 5:18 came upon ^a men unto
ROM 1:18 from heaven ^a all ungodliness COL 1:26 hid from ^a and from ROM 7:8 in me ^a manner of
ROM 1:26 that which is ^a nature: * ago ROM 8:28 know that ^a things work
ROM 2:2 to truth ^a them which 2CO 8:10 be forward a year ^a ROM 8:32 for us ^a how shall
ROM 2:5 thyself wrath ^a the day 2CO 9:2 a year ^a and your ROM 8:32 freely give us ^a things?
ROM 4:18 Who ^a hope believed in 2CO 12:2 fourteen years ^a (whether in ROM 8:36 are killed ^a the day
ROM 7:23 members, warring ^a the law * agreement ROM 8:37 Nay, in ^a these things
ROM 8:7 is enmity ^a God: for 2CO 6:16 And what ^a hath the ROM 9:5 is over ^a God blessed
ROM 8:31 who can be ^a us? * air ROM 9:6 are not ^a Israel, which
ROM 9:20 that repliest ^a God? Shall 1CO 9:26 one that beateth the ^a ROM 9:7 are they ^a children: but,
ROM 11:2 to God ^a Israel saying, 1CO 14:9 shall speak into the ^a ROM 9:17 declared throughout ^a the earth.
ROM 11:18 Boast not ^a the branches. EPH 2:2 of the ^a the spirit ROM 10:12 Lord over ^a is rich
1CO 4:6 up for one ^a another. 1TH 4:17 in the ^a and so ROM 10:12 rich unto ^a that call
1CO 6:1 a matter ^a another, go * albeit ROM 10:16 have not ^a obeyed the
1CO 6:18 fornication sinneth ^a his own PHM 1:19 repay it: ^a I do ROM 10:18 went into ^a the earth,
1CO 8:12 sin so ^a the brethren, * alexander ROM 10:21 he saith, ^a day long
1CO 8:12 conscience, ye sin ^a Christ. 1TI 1:20 Hymenaeus and ^a whom I ROM 11:26 And so ^a Israel shall
1CO 9:17 but if ^a my will, 2TI 4:14 ^a the coppersmith did me ROM 11:32 concluded them ^a in unbelief,
2CO 10:2 be bold ^a some, which * alienated ROM 11:32 might have mercy upon ^a
2CO 10:5 exalteth itself ^a the knowledge EPH 4:18 darkened, being ^a from the ROM 11:36 him, are ^a things: to
2CO 13:8 do nothing ^a the truth, COL 1:21 were sometime ^a and enemies ROM 12:4 body, and ^a members have
GAL 3:21 law then ^a the promises * aliens ROM 12:17 the sight of ^a men.
GAL 5:17 flesh lusteth ^a the Spirit, EPH 2:12 Christ, being ^a from the ROM 12:18 live peaceably with ^a men.
GAL 5:17 the Spirit ^a the flesh: * alike ROM 13:7 therefore to ^a their dues:
GAL 5:23 Meekness, temperance: ^a such there ROM 14:5 every day ^a Let every ROM 14:2 may eat ^a things: another,
EPH 6:11 to stand ^a the wiles * alive ROM 14:10 we shall ^a stand before
EPH 6:12 wrestle not ^a flesh and ROM 6:11 sin, but ^a unto God ROM 14:20 of God. ^a things indeed
EPH 6:12 blood, but ^a principalities, against ROM 6:13 that are ^a from the ROM 15:11 the Lord, ^a ye Gentiles;
EPH 6:12 against principalities, ^a powers, against ROM 7:9 I was ^a without the ROM 15:11 laud him, ^a ye people.
EPH 6:12 against powers, ^a the rulers 1CO 15:22 shall all be made ^a ROM 15:13 you with ^a joy and
EPH 6:12 this world, ^a spiritual wickedness 1TH 4:15 which are ^a and remain ROM 15:14 filled with ^a knowledge, able
COL 2:14 that was ^a us, which 1TH 4:17 which are ^a and remain ROM 15:33 be with you ^a Amen.
COL 3:13 a quarrel ^a any: even * all ROM 16:4 but also ^a the churches
COL 3:19 be not bitter ^a them. ROM 1:5 faith among ^a nations, for ROM 16:15 Olympas, and ^a the saints
1TI 5:11 wax wanton ^a Christ, they ROM 1:7 To ^a that be in ROM 16:19 abroad unto ^a men. I
1TI 5:19 ^a an elder receive not ROM 1:8 for you ^a that your ROM 16:24 be with you ^a Amen.
1TI 6:19 good foundation ^a the time ROM 1:18 heaven against ^a ungodliness and ROM 16:26 known to ^a nations for
2TI 1:12 unto him ^a that day. ROM 1:29 filled with ^a unrighteousness, fornication, 1CO 1:2 saints, with ^a that in
* agar ROM 3:9 they are ^a under sin; 1CO 1:5 him, in ^a utterance, and
GAL 4:24 to bondage, which is ^a ROM 3:12 They are ^a gone out 1CO 1:5 utterance, and in ^a knowledge;
GAL 4:25 For this ^a is mount ROM 3:19 stopped, and ^a the world 1CO 1:10 that ye ^a speak the
* age ROM 3:22 Christ unto ^a and upon 1CO 2:10 Spirit searcheth ^a things, yea,
1CO 7:36 of her ^a and need ROM 3:22 and upon ^a them that 1CO 2:15 spiritual judgeth ^a things, yet
* aged ROM 3:23 For ^a have sinned, and 1CO 3:21 men. For ^a things are

1CO 3:22 to come; ^a are your's; 1CO 12:30 healing? do ^a speak with 2CO 1:3 the God of ^a comfort;
1CO 4:13 offscouring of ^a things unto 1CO 12:30 with tongues? do ^a interpret? 2CO 1:4 us in ^a our tribulation,
1CO 6:12 ^a things are lawful unto 1CO 13:2 and understand ^a mysteries, and 2CO 1:20 For ^a the promises of
1CO 6:12 me, but ^a things are 1CO 13:2 mysteries, and ^a knowledge; and 2CO 2:3 in you ^a that my
1CO 6:12 not expedient: ^a things are 1CO 13:2 I have ^a faith, so 2CO 2:3 the joy of you ^a
1CO 7:7 would that ^a men were 1CO 13:3 I bestow ^a my goods 2CO 2:5 may not overcharge you ^a
1CO 7:17 ordain I in ^a churches. 1CO 13:7 Beareth ^a things, believeth all 2CO 2:9 be obedient in ^a things.
1CO 8:1 that we ^a have knowledge. 1CO 13:7 things, believeth ^a things, hopeth 2CO 3:2 and read of ^a men:
1CO 8:6 whom are ^a things, and 1CO 13:7 things, hopeth ^a things, endureth 2CO 3:18 But we ^a with open
1CO 8:6 whom are ^a things, and 1CO 13:7 all things, endureth ^a things. 2CO 4:15 For ^a things are for
1CO 9:12 but suffer ^a things, lest 1CO 14:5 that ye ^a spake with 2CO 5:10 we must ^a appear before
1CO 9:19 free from ^a men, yet 1CO 14:18 tongues more than ye ^a 2CO 5:14 died for ^a then were
1CO 9:19 servant unto ^a that I 1CO 14:21 yet for ^a that will 2CO 5:14 all, then were ^a dead:
1CO 9:22 am made ^a things to 1CO 14:23 place, and ^a speak with 2CO 5:15 died for ^a that they
1CO 9:22 things to ^a men, that 1CO 14:24 But if ^a prophesy, and 2CO 5:17 away; behold, ^a things are
1CO 9:22 might by ^a means save 1CO 14:24 convinced of ^a he is 2CO 5:18 And ^a things are of
1CO 9:24 race run ^a but one 1CO 14:24 he is judged of ^a 2CO 6:4 But in ^a things approving
1CO 9:25 temperate in ^a things. Now 1CO 14:26 interpretation. Let ^a things be 2CO 6:10 and yet possessing ^a things.
1CO 10:1 how that ^a our fathers 1CO 14:31 ye may ^a prophesy one 2CO 7:1 ourselves from ^a filthiness of
1CO 10:1 cloud, and ^a passed through 1CO 14:31 one, that ^a may learn, 2CO 7:4 joyful in ^a our tribulation.
1CO 10:2 And were ^a baptized unto 1CO 14:31 learn, and ^a may be 2CO 7:11 revenge! In ^a things ye
1CO 10:3 And did ^a eat the 1CO 14:33 as in ^a churches of 2CO 7:13 was refreshed by you ^a
1CO 10:4 And did ^a drink the 1CO 14:40 Let ^a things be done 2CO 7:14 we spake ^a things to
1CO 10:11 Now ^a these things happened 1CO 15:3 first of ^a that which 2CO 7:15 of you ^a how with
1CO 10:17 we are ^a partakers of 1CO 15:7 then of ^a the apostles. 2CO 7:16 in you in ^a things.
1CO 10:23 ^a things are lawful for 1CO 15:8 last of ^a he was 2CO 8:7 and in ^a diligence, and
1CO 10:23 me, but ^a things are 1CO 15:10 than they ^a yet not 2CO 8:18 gospel throughout ^a the churches;
1CO 10:23 not expedient: ^a things are 1CO 15:19 are of ^a men most 2CO 9:8 to make ^a grace abound
1CO 10:23 me, but ^a things edify 1CO 15:22 in Adam ^a die, even 2CO 9:8 always having ^a sufficiency in
1CO 10:31 do, do ^a to the 1CO 15:22 Christ shall ^a be made 2CO 9:8 sufficiency in ^a things, may
1CO 10:33 I please ^a men in 1CO 15:24 put down ^a rule and 2CO 9:11 thing to ^a bountifulness, which
1CO 10:33 men in ^a things, not 1CO 15:24 rule and ^a authority and 2CO 9:13 them, and unto ^a men;
1CO 11:2 me in ^a things, and 1CO 15:25 hath put ^a enemies under 2CO 10:6 to revenge ^a disobedience, when
1CO 11:5 is even ^a one as 1CO 15:27 hath put ^a things under 2CO 11:6 among you in ^a things.
1CO 11:12 woman; but ^a things of 1CO 15:27 he saith ^a things are 2CO 11:9 and in ^a things I
1CO 11:18 first of ^a when ye 1CO 15:27 did put ^a things under 2CO 11:28 care of ^a the churches.
1CO 12:6 which worketh ^a in all. 1CO 15:28 And when ^a things shall 2CO 12:12 you in ^a patience, in
1CO 12:6 which worketh all in ^a 1CO 15:28 that put ^a things under 2CO 12:19 we do ^a things, dearly
1CO 12:11 But ^a these worketh that 1CO 15:28 may be ^a in all. 2CO 13:2 and to ^a other, that,
1CO 12:12 members, and ^a the members 1CO 15:28 may be all in ^a 2CO 13:13 All the saints salute you.
1CO 12:13 are we ^a baptized into 1CO 15:29 not at ^a why are 2CO 13:14 be with you ^a Amen.
1CO 12:13 have been ^a made to 1CO 15:39 ^a flesh is not the GAL 1:2 And ^a the brethren which
1CO 12:19 they were ^a one member, 1CO 15:51 shall not ^a sleep, but GAL 2:14 before them ^a If thou,
1CO 12:26 member suffer, ^a the members 1CO 15:51 we shall ^a be changed, GAL 3:8 thee shall ^a nations be
1CO 12:26 be honoured, ^a the members 1CO 16:12 not at ^a to come GAL 3:10 not in ^a things which
1CO 12:29 Are ^a apostles? are all 1CO 16:14 Let ^a your things be GAL 3:22 hath concluded ^a under sin,
1CO 12:29 apostles? are ^a prophets? are 1CO 16:20 ^a the brethren greet you. GAL 3:26 ye are ^a the children
1CO 12:29 prophets? are ^a teachers? are 1CO 16:24 with you ^a in Christ GAL 3:28 ye are ^a one in
1CO 12:29 teachers? are ^a workers of 2CO 1:1 Corinth, with ^a the saints GAL 4:1 he be lord of ^a
1CO 12:30 Have ^a the gifts of 2CO 1:1 which are in ^a Achaia: GAL 4:12 not injured me at ^a

GAL 4:26 the mother of us ^a PHI 1:7 gospel, ye ^a are partakers COL 3:20 parents in ^a things: for
GAL 5:14 For ^a the law is PHI 1:8 after you ^a in the COL 3:22 obey in ^a things your
GAL 6:6 teacheth in ^a good things. PHI 1:9 knowledge and in ^a judgment; COL 4:7 ^a my state shall Tychicus
GAL 6:10 good unto ^a men, especially PHI 1:13 manifest in ^a the palace, COL 4:9 unto you ^a things which
EPH 1:3 us with ^a spiritual blessings PHI 1:13 and in ^a other places; COL 4:12 complete in ^a the will
EPH 1:8 us in ^a wisdom and PHI 1:20 that with ^a boldness, as 1TH 1:2 for you ^a making mention
EPH 1:10 in one ^a things in PHI 1:25 with you ^a for your 1TH 1:7 ensamples to ^a that believe
EPH 1:11 who worketh ^a things after PHI 2:14 Do ^a things without murmurings 1TH 2:15 are contrary to ^a men:
EPH 1:15 love unto ^a the saints, PHI 2:17 and rejoice with you ^a 1TH 3:7 you in ^a our affliction
EPH 1:21 Far above ^a principality, and PHI 2:21 For ^a seek their own, 1TH 3:9 you, for ^a the joy
EPH 1:22 hath put ^a things under PHI 2:26 after you ^a and was 1TH 3:12 and toward ^a men, even
EPH 1:22 head over ^a things to PHI 2:29 Lord with ^a gladness; and 1TH 3:13 Christ with ^a his saints.
EPH 1:23 that filleth ^a in all. PHI 3:8 I count ^a things but 1TH 4:6 avenger of ^a such, as
EPH 1:23 that filleth all in ^a PHI 3:8 loss of ^a things, and 1TH 4:10 it toward ^a the brethren
EPH 2:3 also we ^a had our PHI 3:21 to subdue ^a things unto 1TH 4:10 are in ^a Macedonia: but
EPH 2:21 In whom ^a the building PHI 4:5 known unto ^a men. The 1TH 5:5 Ye are ^a the children
EPH 3:8 least of ^a saints, is PHI 4:7 which passeth ^a understanding, shall 1TH 5:14 be patient toward ^a men.
EPH 3:9 to make ^a men see PHI 4:12 and in ^a things I 1TH 5:15 yourselves, and to ^a men.
EPH 3:9 who created ^a things by PHI 4:13 can do ^a things through 1TH 5:21 Prove ^a things; hold fast
EPH 3:18 comprehend with ^a saints what PHI 4:18 I have ^a and abound: 1TH 5:22 Abstain from ^a appearance of
EPH 3:19 filled with ^a the fulness PHI 4:19 shall supply ^a your need 1TH 5:26 Greet ^a the brethren with
EPH 3:20 abundantly above ^a that we PHI 4:22 ^a the saints salute you, 1TH 5:27 read unto ^a the holy
EPH 3:21 Jesus throughout ^a ages, world PHI 4:23 be with you ^a Amen. 2TH 1:3 of you ^a toward each
EPH 4:2 With ^a lowliness and meekness, COL 1:4 have to ^a the saints, 2TH 1:4 faith in ^a your persecutions
EPH 4:6 Father of ^a who is COL 1:6 is in ^a the world; 2TH 1:10 admired in ^a them that
EPH 4:6 is above ^a and through COL 1:9 will in ^a wisdom and 2TH 1:11 and fulfil ^a the good
EPH 4:6 and through ^a and in COL 1:10 Lord unto ^a pleasing, being 2TH 2:4 himself above ^a that is
EPH 4:6 all, and in you ^a COL 1:11 Strengthened with ^a might, according 2TH 2:9 Satan with ^a power and
EPH 4:10 far above ^a heavens, that COL 1:11 power, unto ^a patience and 2TH 2:10 And with ^a deceivableness of
EPH 4:10 he might fill ^a things.) COL 1:16 him were ^a things created, 2TH 2:12 That they ^a might be
EPH 4:13 Till we ^a come in COL 1:16 or powers: ^a things were 2TH 3:2 men: for ^a men have
EPH 4:15 him in ^a things, which COL 1:17 is before ^a things, and 2TH 3:11 not at ^a but are
EPH 4:19 to work ^a uncleanness with COL 1:17 by him ^a things consist. 2TH 3:16 always by ^a means. The
EPH 4:31 Let ^a bitterness, and wrath, COL 1:18 that in ^a things he 2TH 3:16 Lord be with you ^a
EPH 4:31 from you, with ^a malice: COL 1:19 him should ^a fulness dwell; 2TH 3:18 be with you ^a Amen.
EPH 5:3 fornication, and ^a uncleanness, or COL 1:20 to reconcile ^a things unto 1TI 1:15 worthy of ^a acceptation, that
EPH 5:9 is in ^a goodness and COL 1:28 man in ^a wisdom; that 1TI 1:16 shew forth ^a longsuffering, for
EPH 5:13 But ^a things that are COL 2:2 and unto ^a riches of 1TI 2:1 first of ^a supplications, prayers,
EPH 5:20 always for ^a things unto COL 2:3 are hid ^a the treasures 1TI 2:1 be made for ^a men;
EPH 6:13 having done ^a to stand. COL 2:9 him dwelleth ^a the fulness 1TI 2:2 and for ^a that are
EPH 6:16 Above ^a taking the shield COL 2:10 head of ^a principality and 1TI 2:2 life in ^a godliness and
EPH 6:16 to quench ^a the fiery COL 2:13 having forgiven you ^a trespasses; 1TI 2:4 will have ^a men to
EPH 6:18 always with ^a prayer and COL 2:19 from which ^a the body 1TI 2:6 ransom for ^a to be
EPH 6:18 thereunto with ^a perseverance and COL 2:22 Which ^a are to perish 1TI 2:11 in silence with ^a subjection.
EPH 6:18 and supplication for ^a saints; COL 3:8 put off ^a these; anger, 1TI 3:4 in subjection with ^a gravity;
EPH 6:21 known to you ^a things: COL 3:11 Christ is ^a and in 1TI 3:11 sober, faithful in ^a things.
EPH 6:24 be with ^a them that COL 3:11 is all, and in ^a 1TI 4:8 profitable unto ^a things, having
PHI 1:1 Christ, to ^a the saints COL 3:14 And above ^a these things 1TI 4:9 and worthy of ^a acceptation.
PHI 1:4 for you ^a making request COL 3:16 richly in ^a wisdom; teaching 1TI 4:10 Saviour of ^a men, specially
PHI 1:7 of you ^a because I COL 3:17 deed, do ^a in the 1TI 4:15 profiting may appear to ^a

1TI 5:2 as sisters, with ^a purity. 1CO 5:3 have judged ^a as though ROM 9:10 when Rebecca ^a had conceived
1TI 5:20 rebuke before ^a that others 2CO 12:21 have sinned ^a and have ROM 9:24 only, but ^a of the
1TI 6:1 worthy of ^a honour, that PHI 3:12 I had ^a attained, either ROM 9:25 he saith ^a in Osee,
1TI 6:10 root of ^a evil: which PHI 3:12 either were ^a perfect: but ROM 9:27 Esaias ^a crieth concerning Israel,
1TI 6:13 who quickeneth ^a things, and PHI 3:16 we have ^a attained, let ROM 11:1 For I ^a am an
1TI 6:17 us richly ^a things to 2TH 2:7 iniquity doth ^a work: only ROM 11:5 present time ^a there is
2TI 1:15 knowest, that ^a they which 1TI 5:15 some are ^a turned aside ROM 11:16 lump is ^a holy: and
2TI 2:7 thee understanding in ^a things. 2TI 2:18 is past ^a and overthrow ROM 11:21 lest he ^a spare not
2TI 2:10 I endure ^a things for * also ROM 11:22 otherwise thou ^a shalt be
2TI 2:24 gentle unto ^a men, apt ROM 1:6 are ye ^a the called ROM 11:23 And they ^a if they
2TI 3:9 manifest unto ^a men, as ROM 1:13 among you ^a even as ROM 11:31 have these ^a now not
2TI 3:11 of them ^a the Lord ROM 1:15 that are at Rome ^a ROM 11:31 mercy they ^a may obtain
2TI 3:12 Yea, and ^a that will ROM 1:16 first, and ^a to the ROM 13:5 wrath, but ^a for conscience
2TI 3:16 ^a scripture is given by ROM 1:24 Wherefore God ^a gave them ROM 13:6 ye tribute ^a for they
2TI 3:17 furnished unto ^a good works. ROM 1:27 And likewise ^a the men, ROM 15:7 as Christ ^a received us
2TI 4:2 exhort with ^a longsuffering and ROM 2:9 first, and ^a of the ROM 15:14 I myself ^a am persuaded
2TI 4:5 thou in ^a things, endure ROM 2:10 first, and ^a to the ROM 15:14 that ye ^a are full
2TI 4:8 but unto ^a them also ROM 2:12 law shall ^a perish without ROM 15:14 knowledge, able ^a to admonish
2TI 4:16 me, but ^a men forsook ROM 2:15 their conscience ^a bearing witness, ROM 15:22 which cause ^a I have
2TI 4:17 and that ^a the Gentiles ROM 3:7 am I ^a judged as ROM 15:27 duty is ^a to minister
2TI 4:21 Claudia, and ^a the brethren. ROM 3:29 he not ^a of the ROM 16:2 many, and of myself ^a
TIT 1:15 the pure ^a things are ROM 3:29 Yes, of the Gentiles ^a ROM 16:4 thanks, but ^a all the
TIT 2:7 In ^a things shewing thyself ROM 4:6 as David ^a describeth the ROM 16:7 apostles, who ^a were in
TIT 2:9 well in ^a things; not ROM 4:9 the uncircumcision ^a for we 1CO 1:8 Who shall ^a confirm you
TIT 2:10 but shewing ^a good fidelity; ROM 4:11 be imputed unto them ^a 1CO 1:16 I baptized ^a the household
TIT 2:10 our Saviour in ^a things. ROM 4:12 but who ^a walk in 1CO 2:13 Which things ^a we speak,
TIT 2:11 hath appeared to ^a men, ROM 4:16 to that ^a which is 1CO 4:8 that we ^a might reign
TIT 2:14 us from ^a iniquity, and ROM 4:21 was able ^a to perform. 1CO 5:12 judge them ^a that are
TIT 2:15 rebuke with ^a authority. Let ROM 4:24 for us ^a to whom 1CO 6:14 and will ^a raise up
TIT 3:2 gentle, shewing ^a meekness unto ROM 5:2 By whom ^a we have 1CO 7:3 and likewise ^a the wife
TIT 3:2 all meekness unto ^a men. ROM 5:3 in tribulations ^a knowing that 1CO 7:4 and likewise ^a the husband
TIT 3:15 ^a that are with me ROM 5:11 but we ^a joy in 1CO 7:22 freeman: likewise ^a he that
TIT 3:15 be with you ^a Amen. ROM 5:15 offence, so ^a is the 1CO 7:34 is difference ^a between a
PHM 1:5 Jesus, and toward ^a saints; ROM 6:4 so we ^a should walk 1CO 7:40 I think ^a that I
* allegory ROM 6:5 shall be ^a in the 1CO 9:8 the law the same ^a
GAL 4:24 are an ^a for these ROM 6:8 we shall ^a live with 1CO 10:6 things, as they ^a lusted.
* allow ROM 6:11 reckon ye ^a yourselves to 1CO 10:9 of them ^a tempted, and
ROM 7:15 do I ^a not: for ROM 7:4 brethren, ye ^a are become 1CO 10:10 of them ^a murmured, and
* allowed ROM 8:11 dead shall ^a quicken your 1CO 10:13 the temptation ^a make a
1TH 2:4 we were ^a of God ROM 8:17 may be ^a glorified together. 1CO 11:1 as I ^a am of
* alloweth ROM 8:21 creature itself ^a shall be 1CO 11:6 let her ^a be shorn:
ROM 14:22 that thing which he ^a ROM 8:23 but ourselves ^a which have 1CO 11:12 the man ^a by the
* almighty ROM 8:26 the Spirit ^a helpeth our 1CO 11:19 must be ^a heresies among
2CO 6:18 daughters, saith the Lord ^a ROM 8:29 foreknow, he ^a did predestinate 1CO 11:23 that which ^a I delivered
* alone ROM 8:30 them he ^a called: and 1CO 11:25 same manner ^a he took
ROM 4:23 his sake ^a that it ROM 8:30 them he ^a justified: and 1CO 12:12 body: so ^a is Christ.
ROM 11:3 am left ^a and they ROM 8:30 justified, them he ^a glorified. 1CO 13:12 even as ^a I am
GAL 6:4 in himself ^a and not ROM 8:32 with him ^a freely give 1CO 14:15 the understanding ^a I will
1TH 3:1 be left at Athens ^a ROM 8:34 God, who ^a maketh intercession 1CO 14:15 sing with the understanding ^a
* already ROM 9:1 my conscience ^a bearing me 1CO 14:19 teach others ^a than ten

1CO 14:34 obedience as ^a saith the 2CO 13:4 For we ^a are weak COL 3:13 you, so ^a do ye.
1CO 15:1 you, which ^a ye have 2CO 13:9 and this ^a we wish, COL 3:15 the which ^a ye are
1CO 15:2 By which ^a ye are GAL 2:1 took Titus with me ^a COL 4:1 that ye ^a have a
1CO 15:3 which I ^a received, how GAL 2:10 which I ^a was forward COL 4:3 Withal praying ^a for us,
1CO 15:8 of me ^a as of GAL 2:13 that Barnabas ^a was carried COL 4:3 I am ^a in bonds:
1CO 15:14 your faith is ^a vain. GAL 2:17 we ourselves ^a are found COL 4:16 be read ^a in the
1CO 15:18 Then they ^a which are GAL 5:21 I have ^a told you 1TH 1:5 only, but ^a in power,
1CO 15:21 man came ^a the resurrection GAL 5:25 let us ^a walk in 1TH 1:8 Achaia, but ^a in every
1CO 15:28 the Son ^a himself be GAL 6:1 lest thou ^a be tempted. 1TH 2:8 only, but ^a our own
1CO 15:40 There are ^a celestial bodies, GAL 6:7 that shall he ^a reap. 1TH 2:10 and God ^a how holily
1CO 15:42 So ^a is the resurrection EPH 1:11 In whom ^a we have 1TH 2:13 this cause ^a thank we
1CO 15:48 are they ^a that are EPH 1:13 whom ye ^a trusted, after 1TH 2:13 effectually worketh ^a in you
1CO 15:48 are they ^a that are EPH 1:13 in whom ^a after that 1TH 2:14 for ye ^a have suffered
1CO 15:49 we shall ^a bear the EPH 1:15 Wherefore I ^a after I 1TH 3:6 as we ^a to see
1CO 16:4 I go ^a they shall EPH 1:21 world, but ^a in that 1TH 4:6 as we ^a have forewarned
1CO 16:10 Lord, as I ^a do. EPH 2:3 Among whom ^a we all 1TH 4:8 who hath ^a given unto
2CO 1:5 our consolation ^a aboundeth by EPH 2:22 whom ye ^a are builded 1TH 4:14 so them ^a which sleep
2CO 1:6 which we ^a suffer: or EPH 4:9 that he ^a descended first 1TH 5:11 even as ^a ye do.
2CO 1:7 ye be ^a of the EPH 4:10 the same ^a that ascended 1TH 5:24 you, who ^a will do
2CO 1:11 Ye ^a helping together by EPH 5:2 as Christ ^a hath loved 2TH 1:5 for which ye ^a suffer:
2CO 1:14 As ^a ye have acknowledged EPH 5:25 as Christ ^a loved the 2TH 1:11 Wherefore ^a we pray always
2CO 1:14 as ye ^a are our's EPH 6:9 your Master ^a is in 1TI 2:9 like manner ^a that women
2CO 1:22 Who hath ^a sealed us, EPH 6:21 that ye ^a may know 1TI 3:10 let these ^a first be
2CO 2:9 this end ^a did I PHI 1:15 and some ^a of good 1TI 5:13 but tattlers ^a and busybodies,
2CO 2:10 I forgive ^a for if PHI 1:20 so now ^a Christ shall 1TI 5:20 that others ^a may fear.
2CO 3:6 Who ^a hath made us PHI 1:29 him, but ^a to suffer 1TI 5:25 Likewise ^a the good works
2CO 4:10 the life ^a of Jesus PHI 2:4 every man ^a on the 1TI 6:12 thou art ^a called, and
2CO 4:11 the life ^a of Jesus PHI 2:5 which was ^a in Christ 2TI 1:5 persuaded that in thee ^a
2CO 4:13 spoken; we ^a believe, and PHI 2:9 Wherefore God ^a hath highly 2TI 1:12 cause I ^a suffer these
2CO 4:14 up us ^a by Jesus, PHI 2:18 same cause ^a do ye 2TI 2:2 able to teach others ^a
2CO 5:5 God, who ^a hath given PHI 2:19 that I ^a may be 2TI 2:5 a man ^a strive for
2CO 5:11 I trust ^a are made PHI 2:24 that I ^a myself shall 2TI 2:10 they may ^a obtain the
2CO 6:1 beseech you ^a that ye PHI 2:27 on me ^a lest I 2TI 2:11 we shall ^a live with
2CO 6:13 children,) be ye ^a enlarged. PHI 3:4 I might ^a have confidence 2TI 2:12 we shall ^a reign with
2CO 8:6 he would ^a finish in PHI 3:12 for which ^a I am 2TI 2:12 him, he ^a will deny
2CO 8:6 you the same grace ^a PHI 3:20 from whence ^a we look 2TI 2:20 silver, but ^a of wood
2CO 8:7 abound in this grace ^a PHI 4:3 intreat thee ^a true yokefellow, 2TI 2:22 Flee ^a youthful lusts: but
2CO 8:10 do, but ^a to be PHI 4:3 with Clement ^a and with 2TI 3:1 This know ^a that in
2CO 8:11 a performance ^a out of PHI 4:10 ye were ^a careful, but 2TI 3:8 do these ^a resist the
2CO 8:14 their abundance ^a may be PHI 4:15 Philippians know ^a that in 2TI 3:9 men, as their's ^a was.
2CO 8:19 who was ^a chosen of COL 1:6 it doth ^a in you, 2TI 4:8 all them ^a that love
2CO 8:21 Lord, but ^a in the COL 1:7 As ye ^a learned of 2TI 4:15 thou ware ^a for he
2CO 9:6 shall reap ^a sparingly; and COL 1:8 Who ^a declared unto us TIT 3:3 we ourselves ^a were sometimes
2CO 9:6 bountifully shall reap ^a bountifully. COL 1:9 cause we ^a since the TIT 3:14 let our's ^a learn to
2CO 9:12 is abundant ^a by many COL 1:29 Whereunto I ^a labour, striving PHM 1:9 and now ^a a prisoner
2CO 10:11 we be ^a in deed COL 2:11 In whom ^a ye are PHM 1:21 thou wilt ^a do more
2CO 10:14 to you ^a in preaching COL 2:12 baptism, wherein ^a ye are PHM 1:22 prepare me ^a a lodging:
2CO 11:15 his ministers ^a be transformed COL 3:4 shall ye ^a appear with * altar
2CO 11:18 flesh, I will glory ^a COL 3:7 which ye ^a walked some 1CO 9:13 at the ^a are partakers
2CO 11:21 foolishly,) I am bold ^a COL 3:8 now ye ^a put off 1CO 9:13 are partakers with the ^a

1CO 10:18 sacrifices partakers of the ^a ROM 15:29 And I ^a sure that, EPH 3:8 me, who ^a less than
* altars ROM 16:19 men. I ^a glad therefore EPH 6:20 which I ^a an ambassador
ROM 11:3 down thine ^a and I 1CO 1:12 saith, I ^a of Paul; PHI 1:17 that I ^a set for
* altogether 1CO 3:4 saith, I ^a of Paul; PHI 1:23 For I ^a in a
1CO 5:10 Yet not ^a with the 1CO 3:4 another, I ^a of Apollos; PHI 3:12 also I ^a apprehended of
1CO 9:10 he it ^a for our 1CO 4:4 myself; yet ^a I not PHI 4:11 state I ^a therewith to
* alway 1CO 9:1 ^a I not an apostle? PHI 4:12 things I ^a instructed both
ROM 11:10 bow down their back ^a 1CO 9:1 an apostle? ^a I not PHI 4:18 abound: I ^a full, having
2CO 4:11 live are ^a delivered unto 1CO 9:2 doubtless I ^a to you: COL 1:23 I Paul ^a made a
2CO 6:10 sorrowful, yet ^a rejoicing; as 1CO 9:22 weak: I ^a made all COL 1:25 Whereof I ^a made a
PHI 4:4 the Lord ^a and again 1CO 10:30 partaker, why ^a I evil COL 2:5 flesh, yet ^a I with
COL 4:6 speech be ^a with grace, 1CO 11:1 I also ^a of Christ. COL 4:3 which I ^a also in
1TH 2:16 their sins ^a for the 1CO 12:15 Because I ^a not the 1TI 1:15 of whom I ^a chief.
2TH 2:13 give thanks ^a to God 1CO 12:15 hand, I ^a not of 1TI 2:7 Whereunto I ^a ordained a
TIT 1:12 Cretians are ^a liars, evil 1CO 12:16 Because I ^a not the 2TI 1:5 and I ^a persuaded that
* always 1CO 12:16 eye, I ^a not of 2TI 1:11 Whereunto I ^a appointed a
ROM 1:9 of you ^a in my 1CO 13:1 charity, I ^a become as 2TI 1:12 nevertheless I ^a not ashamed:
1CO 1:4 my God ^a on your 1CO 13:2 not charity, I ^a nothing. 2TI 1:12 believed, and ^a persuaded that
1CO 15:58 stedfast, unmoveable, ^a abounding in 1CO 13:12 as also I ^a known. 2TI 4:6 For I ^a now ready
2CO 2:14 God, which ^a causeth us 1CO 15:9 For I ^a the least * ambassador
2CO 4:10 ^a bearing about in the 1CO 15:9 apostles, that ^a not meet EPH 6:20 am an ^a in bonds:
2CO 5:6 we are ^a confident, knowing 1CO 15:10 God I ^a what I * ambassadors
2CO 9:8 that ye, ^a having all 1CO 15:10 what I ^a and his 2CO 5:20 we are ^a for Christ,
GAL 4:18 zealously affected ^a in a 1CO 16:17 I ^a glad of the * amen
EPH 5:20 Giving thanks ^a for all 2CO 7:4 you: I ^a filled with ROM 1:25 is blessed for ever. ^a
EPH 6:18 Praying ^a with all prayer 2CO 7:4 comfort, I ^a exceeding joyful ROM 9:5 God blessed for ever. ^a
PHI 1:4 ^a in every prayer of 2CO 7:14 you, I ^a not ashamed; ROM 11:36 be glory for ever. ^a
PHI 1:20 boldness, as ^a so now 2CO 10:1 in presence ^a base among ROM 15:33 be with you all. ^a
PHI 2:12 ye have ^a obeyed, not 2CO 10:1 being absent ^a bold toward ROM 16:20 Christ be with you. ^a
COL 1:3 Christ, praying ^a for you, 2CO 10:2 when I ^a present with ROM 16:24 be with you all. ^a
COL 4:12 saluteth you, ^a labouring fervently 2CO 11:2 For I ^a jealous over ROM 16:27 Jesus Christ for ever. ^a
1TH 1:2 to God ^a for you 2CO 11:21 foolishly,) I ^a bold also. 1CO 14:16 unlearned say ^a at thy
1TH 3:6 of us ^a desiring greatly 2CO 11:22 Hebrews? so ^a I. Are 1CO 16:24 all in Christ Jesus. ^a
2TH 1:3 thank God ^a for you, 2CO 11:22 Israelites? so ^a I. Are 2CO 1:20 in him ^a unto the
2TH 1:11 we pray ^a for you, 2CO 11:22 of Abraham? so ^a I. 2CO 13:14 be with you all. ^a
2TH 3:16 you peace ^a by all 2CO 11:23 fool) I ^a more; in GAL 1:5 for ever and ever. ^a
PHM 1:4 of thee ^a in my 2CO 11:29 and I ^a not weak? GAL 6:18 be with your spirit. ^a
* am 2CO 12:10 when I ^a weak, then EPH 3:21 ages, world without end. ^a
ROM 1:14 I ^a debtor both to 2CO 12:10 weak, then ^a I strong. EPH 6:24 Jesus Christ in sincerity. ^a
ROM 1:15 is, I ^a ready to 2CO 12:11 I ^a become a fool PHI 4:20 for ever and ever. ^a
ROM 1:16 For I ^a not ashamed 2CO 12:11 in nothing ^a I behind PHI 4:23 be with you all. ^a
ROM 3:7 why yet ^a I also 2CO 12:14 time I ^a ready to COL 4:18 Grace be with you. ^a
ROM 7:14 but I ^a carnal, sold 2CO 13:1 time I ^a coming to 1TH 5:28 Christ be with you. ^a
ROM 7:24 that I ^a who shall GAL 2:19 the law ^a dead to 2TH 3:18 be with you all. ^a
ROM 8:38 For I ^a persuaded, that GAL 2:20 I ^a crucified with Christ: 1TI 1:17 for ever and ever. ^a
ROM 11:1 I also ^a an Israelite, GAL 4:11 I ^a afraid of you, 1TI 6:16 honour and power everlasting. ^a
ROM 11:3 and I ^a left alone, GAL 4:12 as I ^a for I 1TI 6:21 Grace be with thee. ^a
ROM 11:13 as I ^a the apostle GAL 4:12 for I ^a as ye 2TI 4:18 for ever and ever. ^a
ROM 14:14 know, and ^a persuaded by GAL 4:16 ^a I therefore become your 2TI 4:22 Grace be with you. ^a
ROM 15:14 myself also ^a persuaded of GAL 4:18 when I ^a present with TIT 3:15 be with you all. ^a

PHM 1:25 be with your spirit. ^a 1TH 5:12 which labour ^a you, and ROM 9:21 honour, and ^a unto dishonour?
* among 1TH 5:13 be at peace ^a yourselves. ROM 12:5 one members one of ^a
ROM 1:5 the faith ^a all nations, 1TH 5:15 good, both ^a yourselves, and ROM 12:10 one to ^a with brotherly
ROM 1:6 ^a whom are ye also 2TH 1:10 our testimony ^a you was ROM 12:10 in honour preferring one ^a
ROM 1:13 some fruit ^a you also, 2TH 3:7 not ourselves disorderly ^a you; ROM 12:16 one toward ^a Mind not
ROM 1:13 even as ^a other Gentiles. 2TH 3:11 which walk ^a you disorderly, ROM 13:8 love one ^a for he
ROM 2:24 is blasphemed ^a the Gentiles 2TI 2:2 of me ^a many witnesses, ROM 13:8 that loveth ^a hath fulfilled
ROM 8:29 the firstborn ^a many brethren. * amplias ROM 14:2 all things: ^a who is
ROM 11:17 graffed in ^a them, and ROM 16:8 Greet ^a my beloved in ROM 14:4 that judgest ^a man's servant?
ROM 12:3 that is ^a you, not * anathema ROM 14:5 day above ^a another esteemeth
ROM 15:9 to thee ^a the Gentiles, 1CO 16:22 let him be ^a Maranatha. ROM 14:5 above another: ^a esteemeth every
ROM 16:7 of note ^a the apostles, * andronicus ROM 14:13 judge one ^a any more:
1CO 1:10 no divisions ^a you; but ROM 16:7 Salute ^a and Junia, my ROM 14:19 wherewith one may edify ^a
1CO 1:11 there are contentions ^a you. * angel ROM 15:5 one toward ^a according to
1CO 2:2 any thing ^a you, save 2CO 11:14 into an ^a of light. ROM 15:7 ye one ^a as Christ
1CO 2:6 speak wisdom ^a them that GAL 1:8 or an ^a from heaven, ROM 15:14 also to admonish one ^a
1CO 3:3 there is ^a you envying, GAL 4:14 as an ^a of God, ROM 15:20 build upon ^a man's foundation:
1CO 3:18 any man ^a you seemeth * angels ROM 16:16 Salute one ^a with an
1CO 5:1 is fornication ^a you, and ROM 8:38 life, nor ^a nor principalities, 1CO 3:4 Paul; and ^a I am
1CO 5:1 as named ^a the Gentiles, 1CO 4:9 and to ^a and to 1CO 3:10 foundation, and ^a buildeth thereon.
1CO 5:2 taken away from ^a you. 1CO 6:3 shall judge ^a how much 1CO 4:6 up for one against ^a
1CO 5:13 away from ^a yourselves that 1CO 11:10 head because of the ^a 1CO 4:7 differ from ^a and what
1CO 6:5 wise man ^a you? no, 1CO 13:1 and of ^a and have 1CO 6:1 matter against ^a go to
1CO 6:7 a fault ^a you, because GAL 3:19 ordained by ^a in the 1CO 6:7 one with ^a Why do
1CO 11:18 be divisions ^a you; and COL 2:18 worshipping of ^a intruding into 1CO 7:7 manner, and ^a after that.
1CO 11:19 also heresies ^a you, that 2TH 1:7 heaven with his mighty ^a 1CO 10:29 judged of ^a man's conscience?
1CO 11:19 be made manifest ^a you. 1TI 3:16 seen of ^a preached unto 1CO 11:21 hungry, and ^a is drunken.
1CO 11:30 and sickly ^a you, and 1TI 5:21 the elect ^a that thou 1CO 11:33 eat, tarry one for ^a
1CO 15:12 say some ^a you that * anger 1CO 12:8 wisdom; to ^a the word
2CO 1:19 was preached ^a you by ROM 10:19 nation I will ^a you. 1CO 12:9 To ^a faith by the
2CO 6:17 out from ^a them, and EPH 4:31 wrath, and ^a and clamour, 1CO 12:9 Spirit; to ^a the gifts
2CO 10:1 am base ^a you, but COL 3:8 all these; ^a wrath, malice, 1CO 12:10 To ^a the working of
2CO 10:12 comparing themselves ^a themselves, are COL 3:21 children to ^a lest they 1CO 12:10 miracles; to ^a prophecy; to
2CO 11:6 made manifest ^a you in * angry 1CO 12:10 prophecy; to ^a discerning of
2CO 11:26 in perils ^a false brethren; EPH 4:26 Be ye ^a and sin 1CO 12:10 spirits; to ^a divers kinds
2CO 12:12 were wrought ^a you in TIT 1:7 not soon ^a not given 1CO 12:10 tongues; to ^a the interpretation
2CO 12:21 humble me ^a you, and * anguish 1CO 12:25 same care one for ^a
GAL 1:16 preach him ^a the heathen; ROM 2:9 Tribulation and ^a upon every 1CO 14:30 revealed to ^a that sitteth
GAL 2:2 I preach ^a the Gentiles, 2CO 2:4 affliction and ^a of heart 1CO 15:39 of men, ^a flesh of
GAL 3:1 set forth, crucified ^a you? * anointed 1CO 15:39 of beasts, ^a of fishes,
GAL 3:5 worketh miracles ^a you, doeth 2CO 1:21 and hath ^a us, is 1CO 15:39 fishes, and ^a of birds.
EPH 2:3 ^a whom also we all * another 1CO 15:40 of the terrestrial is ^a
EPH 3:8 should preach ^a the Gentiles ROM 1:27 one toward ^a men with 1CO 15:41 sun, and ^a glory of
EPH 5:3 once named ^a you, as ROM 2:1 thou judgest ^a thou condemnest 1CO 15:41 moon, and ^a glory of
PHI 2:15 perverse nation, ^a whom ye ROM 2:15 or else excusing one ^a 1CO 15:41 differeth from ^a star in
COL 1:27 this mystery ^a the Gentiles; ROM 2:21 which teachest ^a teachest thou 1CO 16:20 ye one ^a with an
COL 4:16 is read ^a you, cause ROM 7:3 married to ^a man, she 2CO 10:16 boast in ^a man's line
1TH 1:5 we were ^a you for ROM 7:3 be married to ^a man. 2CO 11:4 cometh preacheth ^a Jesus, whom
1TH 2:7 were gentle ^a you, even ROM 7:4 married to ^a even to 2CO 11:4 ye receive ^a spirit, which
1TH 2:10 behaved ourselves ^a you that ROM 7:23 I see ^a law in 2CO 11:4 received, or ^a gospel, which

2CO 13:12 Greet one ^a with an ROM 14:13 one another ^a more: but 2CO 11:3 lest by ^a means, as
GAL 1:6 of Christ unto ^a gospel: ROM 14:14 that esteemeth ^a thing to 2CO 11:21 Howbeit whereinsoever ^a is bold,
GAL 1:7 is not ^a but there ROM 14:21 wine, nor ^a thing whereby 2CO 12:6 forbear, lest ^a man should
GAL 5:13 by love serve one ^a ROM 15:18 speak of ^a of those 2CO 12:17 you by ^a of them
GAL 5:15 devour one ^a take heed 1CO 1:15 Lest ^a should say that GAL 1:8 heaven, preach ^a other gospel
GAL 5:15 not consumed one of ^a 1CO 1:16 whether I baptized ^a other. GAL 1:9 again, if ^a man preach
GAL 5:26 provoking one ^a envying one 1CO 2:2 to know ^a thing among GAL 1:9 man preach ^a other gospel
GAL 5:26 one another, envying one ^a 1CO 3:7 that planteth ^a thing, neither GAL 2:2 lest by ^a means I
GAL 6:4 alone, and not in ^a 1CO 3:12 Now if ^a man build GAL 5:6 circumcision availeth ^a thing, nor
EPH 4:2 forbearing one ^a in love; 1CO 3:14 If ^a man's work abide GAL 6:15 circumcision availeth ^a thing, nor
EPH 4:25 are members one of ^a 1CO 3:15 If ^a man's work shall EPH 2:9 works, lest ^a man should
EPH 4:32 one to ^a tenderhearted, forgiving 1CO 3:17 If ^a man defile the EPH 5:5 idolater, hath ^a inheritance in
EPH 4:32 forgiving one ^a even as 1CO 3:18 himself. If ^a man among EPH 5:27 wrinkle, or ^a such thing;
EPH 5:21 one to ^a in the 1CO 5:11 company, if ^a man that EPH 6:8 good thing ^a man doeth,
COL 3:9 one to ^a seeing that 1CO 6:1 Dare ^a of you, having PHI 2:1 be therefore ^a consolation in
COL 3:13 Forbearing one ^a and forgiving 1CO 6:12 under the power of ^a PHI 2:1 Christ, if ^a comfort of
COL 3:13 forgiving one ^a if any 1CO 7:12 Lord: If ^a brother hath PHI 2:1 love, if ^a fellowship of
COL 3:16 admonishing one ^a in psalms 1CO 7:18 Is ^a man called being PHI 2:1 Spirit, if ^a bowels and
1TH 3:12 one toward ^a and toward 1CO 7:18 uncircumcised. Is ^a called in PHI 3:4 flesh. If ^a other man
1TH 4:9 God to love one ^a 1CO 7:36 But if ^a man think PHI 3:11 If by ^a means I
1TH 4:18 comfort one ^a with these 1CO 8:2 And if ^a man think PHI 3:15 if in ^a thing ye
1TH 5:11 edify one ^a even as 1CO 8:2 he knoweth ^a thing, he PHI 4:8 there be ^a virtue, and
1TI 5:21 one before ^a doing nothing 1CO 8:3 But if ^a man love PHI 4:8 there be ^a praise, think
TIT 3:3 hateful, and hating one ^a 1CO 8:9 lest by ^a means this COL 2:4 say, lest ^a man should
* another's 1CO 8:10 For if ^a man see COL 2:8 Beware lest ^a man spoil
1CO 10:24 but every man ^a wealth. 1CO 9:7 a warfare ^a time at COL 2:23 not in ^a honour to
GAL 6:2 ye one ^a burdens, and 1CO 9:15 than that ^a man should COL 3:13 another, if ^a man have
* answer 1CO 9:27 that by ^a means, when COL 3:13 quarrel against ^a even as
ROM 11:4 saith the ^a of God 1CO 10:19 idol is ^a thing, or 1TH 1:8 not to speak ^a thing.
1CO 9:3 Mine ^a to them that 1CO 10:19 to idols is ^a thing? 1TH 2:5 neither at ^a time used
2CO 5:12 somewhat to ^a them which 1CO 10:27 If ^a of them that 1TH 2:9 chargeable unto ^a of you,
COL 4:6 ought to ^a every man. 1CO 10:28 But if ^a man say 1TH 4:6 brother in ^a matter: because
2TI 4:16 my first ^a no man 1CO 11:16 But if ^a man seem 1TH 5:15 evil unto ^a man; but
* answereth 1CO 11:34 And if ^a man hunger, 2TH 2:3 you by ^a means: for
GAL 4:25 Arabia, and ^a to Jerusalem 1CO 14:27 If ^a man speak in 2TH 3:8 we eat ^a man's bread
* answering 1CO 14:30 If ^a thing be revealed 2TH 3:8 chargeable to ^a of you:
TIT 2:9 all things; not ^a again; 1CO 14:35 will learn ^a thing, let 2TH 3:10 that if ^a would not
* antioch 1CO 14:37 If ^a man think himself 2TH 3:14 And if ^a man obey
GAL 2:11 come to ^a I withstood 1CO 14:38 But if ^a man be 1TI 1:10 there be ^a other thing
2TI 3:11 me at ^a at Iconium, 1CO 16:22 If ^a man love not 1TI 5:4 But if ^a widow have
* any 2CO 1:4 are in ^a trouble, by 1TI 5:8 But if ^a provide not
ROM 1:10 if by ^a means now 2CO 2:5 But if ^a have caused 1TI 5:16 If ^a man or woman
ROM 6:2 sin, live ^a longer therein? 2CO 2:10 ye forgive ^a thing, I 1TI 6:3 If ^a man teach otherwise,
ROM 8:9 Now if ^a man have 2CO 2:10 I forgave ^a thing, to TIT 1:6 If ^a be blameless, the
ROM 8:33 shall lay ^a thing to 2CO 3:5 to think ^a thing as * apelles
ROM 8:39 depth, nor ^a other creature, 2CO 5:17 Therefore if ^a man be ROM 16:10 Salute ^a approved in Christ.
ROM 9:11 having done ^a good or 2CO 6:3 offence in ^a thing, that * apollos
ROM 11:14 If by ^a means I 2CO 7:14 have boasted ^a thing to 1CO 1:12 I of ^a and I
ROM 13:8 no man ^a thing, but 2CO 8:23 Whether ^a do enquire of 1CO 3:4 am of ^a are ye
ROM 13:9 there be ^a other commandment, 2CO 10:7 appearance? If ^a man trust 1CO 3:5 who is ^a but ministers

1CO 3:6 have planted, ^a watered; but 2CO 13:7 we should ^a approved, but 1TI 3:2 to hospitality, ^a to teach;
1CO 3:22 Paul, or ^a or Cephas, COL 3:4 life, shall ^a then shall 2TI 2:24 all men, ^a to teach,
1CO 4:6 and to ^a for your COL 3:4 ye also ^a with him * aquila
1CO 16:12 our brother ^a I greatly 1TI 4:15 profiting may ^a to all. ROM 16:3 Priscilla and ^a my helpers
TIT 3:13 lawyer and ^a on their * appearance 1CO 16:19 salute you. ^a and Priscilla
* apostle 2CO 5:12 glory in ^a and not 2TI 4:19 Prisca and ^a and the
ROM 1:1 be an ^a separated unto 2CO 10:7 the outward ^a If any * arabia
ROM 11:13 am the ^a of the 1TH 5:22 from all ^a of evil. GAL 1:17 went into ^a and returned
1CO 1:1 be an ^a of Jesus * appeared GAL 4:25 Sinai in ^a and answereth
1CO 9:1 not an ^a am I TIT 2:11 salvation hath ^a to all * archangel
1CO 9:2 not an ^a unto others, TIT 3:4 our Saviour toward man ^a 1TH 4:16 of the ^a and with
1CO 15:9 called an ^a because I * appearing * archippus
2CO 1:1 Paul, an ^a of Jesus 1TI 6:14 until the ^a of our COL 4:17 say to ^a Take heed
2CO 12:12 of an ^a were wrought 2TI 1:10 by the ^a of our PHM 1:2 Apphia, and ^a our fellowsoldier,
GAL 1:1 Paul, an ^a (not of 2TI 4:1 at his ^a and his * aretas
EPH 1:1 Paul, an ^a of Jesus 2TI 4:8 also that love his ^a 2CO 11:32 governor under ^a the king
COL 1:1 Paul, an ^a of Jesus TIT 2:13 the glorious ^a of the * arise
1TI 1:1 Paul, an ^a of Jesus * apphia EPH 5:14 sleepest, and ^a from the
1TI 2:7 and an ^a (I speak PHM 1:2 our beloved ^a and Archippus * aristarchus
2TI 1:1 Paul, an ^a of Jesus * appointed COL 4:10 ^a my fellowprisoner saluteth you,
2TI 1:11 and an ^a and a 1CO 4:9 it were ^a to death: PHM 1:24 Marcus, ^a Demas, Lucas, my
TIT 1:1 and an ^a of Jesus GAL 4:2 the time ^a of the * aristobulus'
* apostles 1TH 3:3 that we are ^a thereunto. ROM 16:10 which are of ^a household.
ROM 16:7 among the ^a who also 1TH 5:9 hath not ^a us to * armour
1CO 4:9 us the ^a last, as 2TI 1:11 I am ^a a preacher, ROM 13:12 on the ^a of light.
1CO 9:5 as other ^a and as TIT 1:5 as I had ^a thee: 2CO 6:7 by the ^a of righteousness
1CO 12:28 church, first ^a secondarily prophets, * apprehend EPH 6:11 the whole ^a of God,
1CO 12:29 Are all ^a are all 2CO 11:32 garrison, desirous to ^a me: EPH 6:13 the whole ^a of God,
1CO 15:7 then of all the ^a PHI 3:12 I may ^a that for * array
1CO 15:9 of the ^a that am * apprehended 1TI 2:9 or pearls, or costly ^a
2CO 11:5 behind the very chiefest ^a PHI 3:12 I am ^a of Christ * art
2CO 11:13 are false ^a deceitful workers, PHI 3:13 to have ^a but this ROM 2:1 Therefore thou ^a inexcusable, O
2CO 11:13 into the ^a of Christ. * approach ROM 2:1 whosoever thou ^a that judgest:
2CO 12:11 very chiefest ^a though I 1TI 6:16 man can ^a unto; whom ROM 2:17 Behold, thou ^a called a
GAL 1:17 which were ^a before me; * approve ROM 2:19 And ^a confident that thou
GAL 1:19 of the ^a saw I 1CO 16:3 ye shall ^a by your ROM 2:19 thou thyself ^a a guide
EPH 2:20 of the ^a and prophets, PHI 1:10 ye may ^a things that ROM 3:4 overcome when thou ^a judged.
EPH 3:5 his holy ^a and prophets * approved ROM 9:20 man, who ^a thou that
EPH 4:11 gave some, ^a and some, ROM 14:18 God, and ^a of men. ROM 14:4 Who ^a thou that judgest
1TH 2:6 as the ^a of Christ. ROM 16:10 Salute Apelles ^a in Christ. 1CO 7:21 ^a thou called being a
* apostleship 1CO 11:19 which are ^a may be 1CO 7:27 ^a thou bound unto a
ROM 1:5 grace and ^a for obedience 2CO 7:11 ye have ^a yourselves to 1CO 7:27 be loosed. ^a thou loosed
1CO 9:2 of mine ^a are ye 2CO 10:18 himself is ^a but whom GAL 4:7 Wherefore thou ^a no more
GAL 2:8 to the ^a of the 2CO 13:7 should appear ^a but that 1TI 6:12 whereunto thou ^a also called,
* apparel 2TI 2:15 shew thyself ^a unto God, * artemas
1TI 2:9 in modest ^a with shamefacedness * approvest TIT 3:12 shall send ^a unto thee,
* appear ROM 2:18 will, and ^a the things * ascend
ROM 7:13 it might ^a sin, working * approving ROM 10:6 Who shall ^a into heaven?
2CO 5:10 must all ^a before the 2CO 6:4 all things ^a ourselves as * ascended
2CO 7:12 God might ^a unto you. * apt EPH 4:8 When he ^a up on

EPH 4:9 that he ^a what is ROM 1:10 means now ^a length I 1TH 3:13 our Father, ^a the coming
EPH 4:10 also that ^a up far ROM 1:15 that are ^a Rome also. 1TH 5:13 And be ^a peace among
* ashamed ROM 3:26 I say, ^a this time 2TH 2:2 of Christ is ^a hand.
ROM 1:16 am not ^a of the ROM 4:20 staggered not ^a the promise 2TH 3:11 working not ^a all, but
ROM 5:5 maketh not ^a because the ROM 8:34 is even ^a the right 1TI 1:3 abide still ^a Ephesus, when
ROM 6:21 are now ^a for the ROM 9:9 of promise, ^a this time 1TI 5:4 shew piety ^a home, and
ROM 9:33 him shall not be ^a ROM 9:32 they stumbled ^a that stumblingstone; 2TI 1:18 unto me ^a Ephesus, thou
ROM 10:11 him shall not be ^a ROM 11:5 so then ^a this present 2TI 2:26 by him ^a his will.
2CO 7:14 am not ^a but as ROM 13:12 day is ^a hand: let 2TI 3:11 unto me ^a Antioch, at
2CO 9:4 should be ^a in this ROM 14:10 thou set ^a nought thy 2TI 3:11 at Antioch, ^a Iconium, at
2CO 10:8 I should not be ^a ROM 15:26 saints which are ^a Jerusalem. 2TI 3:11 at Iconium, ^a Lystra; what
PHI 1:20 shall be ^a but that ROM 16:1 church which is ^a Cenchrea: 2TI 4:1 the dead ^a his appearing
2TH 3:14 that he may be ^a 1CO 1:2 which is ^a Corinth, to 2TI 4:6 my departure is ^a hand.
2TI 1:8 thou therefore ^a of the 1CO 7:39 she is ^a liberty to 2TI 4:8 give me ^a that day:
2TI 1:12 am not ^a for I 1CO 8:10 knowledge sit ^a meat in 2TI 4:13 I left ^a Troas with
2TI 1:16 was not ^a of my 1CO 9:7 any time ^a his own 2TI 4:16 ^a my first answer no
2TI 2:15 to be ^a rightly dividing 1CO 9:13 which wait ^a the altar 2TI 4:20 Erastus abode ^a Corinth: but
TIT 2:8 may be ^a having no 1CO 11:34 him eat ^a home; that 2TI 4:20 I left ^a Miletum sick.
* asia 1CO 14:16 say Amen ^a thy giving TIT 2:5 chaste, keepers ^a home, good,
1CO 16:19 churches of ^a salute you. 1CO 14:27 two, or ^a the most * athens
2CO 1:8 us in ^a that we 1CO 14:35 their husbands ^a home: for 1TH 3:1 be left at ^a alone;
2TI 1:15 are in ^a be turned 1CO 15:6 hundred brethren ^a once; of * atonement
* aside 1CO 15:23 are Christ's ^a his coming. ROM 5:11 have now received the ^a
1TI 1:6 have turned ^a unto vain 1CO 15:29 rise not ^a all? why * attain
1TI 5:15 already turned ^a after Satan. 1CO 15:32 with beasts ^a Ephesus, what PHI 3:11 I might ^a unto the
* ask 1CO 15:52 an eye, ^a the last * attained
1CO 14:35 let them ^a their husbands 1CO 16:8 will tarry ^a Ephesus until ROM 9:30 righteousness, have ^a to righteousness,
EPH 3:20 that we ^a or think, 1CO 16:12 was not ^a all to ROM 9:31 hath not ^a to the
* asked 1CO 16:12 to come ^a this time; PHI 3:12 had already ^a either were
ROM 10:20 them that ^a not after 2CO 1:1 which is ^a Corinth, with PHI 3:16 have already ^a let us
* asking 2CO 4:18 look not ^a the things 1TI 4:6 doctrine, whereunto thou hast ^a
1CO 10:25 that eat, ^a no question 2CO 4:18 seen, but ^a the things * attend
1CO 10:27 you, eat, ^a no question 2CO 5:6 we are ^a home in 1CO 7:35 ye may ^a upon the
* asleep 2CO 8:14 that now ^a this time * attendance
1CO 15:6 but some are fallen ^a GAL 4:12 not injured me ^a all. 1TI 4:13 come, give ^a to reading,
1CO 15:18 are fallen ^a in Christ GAL 4:13 unto you ^a the first. * attending
1TH 4:13 which are ^a that ye EPH 1:1 which are ^a Ephesus, and ROM 13:6 God's ministers, ^a continually upon
1TH 4:15 prevent them which are ^a EPH 1:20 set him ^a his own * author
* asps EPH 2:12 That ^a that time ye 1CO 14:33 not the ^a of confusion,
ROM 3:13 poison of ^a is under EPH 3:13 faint not ^a my tribulations * authority
* assist PHI 1:1 which are ^a Philippi, with 1CO 15:24 and all ^a and power.
ROM 16:2 that ye ^a her in PHI 2:10 That ^a the name of 2CO 10:8 of our ^a which the
* assurance PHI 4:5 The Lord is ^a hand. 1TI 2:2 are in ^a that we
COL 2:2 the full ^a of understanding, PHI 4:10 that now ^a the last 1TI 2:12 to usurp ^a over the
1TH 1:5 in much ^a as ye COL 1:2 which are ^a Colosse: Grace TIT 2:15 with all ^a Let no
* assured COL 2:1 for them ^a Laodicea, and * availeth
2TI 3:14 hast been ^a of, knowing 1TH 2:2 ye know, ^a Philippi, we GAL 5:6 neither circumcision ^a any thing,
* asyncritus 1TH 2:5 For neither ^a any time GAL 6:15 neither circumcision ^a any thing,
ROM 16:14 Salute ^a Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, 1TH 2:19 Jesus Christ ^a his coming? * avenge
* at 1TH 3:1 be left ^a Athens alone; ROM 12:19 Dearly beloved, ^a not yourselves,

* avenger ROM 11:1 God cast ^a his people? 2CO 3:11 is done ^a was glorious,
1TH 4:6 is the ^a of all ROM 11:2 not cast ^a his people 2CO 3:14 vail untaken ^a in the
* avoid ROM 11:15 the casting ^a of them 2CO 3:14 is done ^a in Christ.
ROM 16:17 have learned; and ^a them. ROM 11:26 shall turn ^a ungodliness from 2CO 3:16 vail shall be taken ^a
1CO 7:2 Nevertheless, to ^a fornication, let ROM 11:27 shall take ^a their sins. 2CO 5:17 are passed ^a behold, all
2TI 2:23 unlearned questions ^a knowing that 1CO 5:2 be taken ^a from among GAL 2:13 was carried ^a with their
TIT 3:9 But ^a foolish questions, and 1CO 5:13 Therefore put ^a from among EPH 4:25 Wherefore putting ^a lying, speak
* avoiding 1CO 7:11 husband put ^a his wife. EPH 4:31 be put ^a from you,
2CO 8:20 ^a this, that no man 1CO 7:12 him not put her ^a COL 1:23 not moved ^a from the
1TI 6:20 thy trust, ^a profane and 1CO 7:31 of this world passeth ^a 2TH 2:3 a falling ^a first, and
* awake 1CO 12:2 Gentiles, carried ^a unto these 1TI 1:19 having put ^a concerning faith
ROM 13:11 time to ^a out of 1CO 13:8 knowledge, it shall vanish ^a 2TI 1:15 be turned ^a from me;
1CO 15:34 ^a to righteousness, and sin 1CO 13:10 part shall be done ^a 2TI 3:5 thereof: from such turn ^a
EPH 5:14 he saith, ^a thou that 1CO 13:11 I put ^a childish things. 2TI 3:6 sins, led ^a with divers
* away 2CO 3:7 was to be done ^a 2TI 4:4 shall turn ^a their ears